Binance Bundle - $5000+
So, on Binance, there is a pair IOST/USDT. Previously, the coin had an exchange fee of 0.5% when sending funds.
IOST covered this fee during the listing to attract investments in the project. When the coin stabilized, the exchange reduced the fee, and IOST transferred its accounts from cold to hot wallets.
However, if we use cold wallet(iostntwrk) now, we will receive +0.5% of the sent amount as the network fee is no longer as significant and does not depend on the transaction size. - IOST on coinmarketcap: Click - IOST on Binance: Click
Step by step:
1/9. Exchange registration
If you are already registered with Binance, then skip this step
1. Go to 2. Sign Up 3. Enter email and password 4. Pass the KYC
Video Tutorial
How the bundle works:
In 5 transactions, we received 5582 IOST $68 per 1h